The Web-Site of our four bedroom 3 bathroom holiday home in central Florida
Feel free to use the links above to surf the site, maybe go to the pictures page and the about page for more information and perhaps check the availability calendar to see if the days/weeks you want are free. Thanks
-Wherever you are in Florida, you are never more than 50 miles from the sea
-Central Florida's summer weather is usually between 85* and 95*F during the day and around 60* to 75*F overnight
-During the two months after Christmas, it has been known to be cold overnight, (by Florida'standards!) almost 32*F
-Florida was admitted to The United States as a state on March 3, 1845 (27th state)
-Governor - Rick Scott, Capital -Tallahassee , Nicknamed - the Sunshine State ,
-State Flower - Orange Blossom , Number of Counties - 67 , Total Area 58,560 square miles
-Larger than England but smaller than Great Britain , Beaches 663 miles, 11,000 miles of rivers, streams and waterways.